Monday, February 16, 2009

Lion droppings and Squirrel Food

It seems as if my self diagnosed seasonal depression is beginning to subside. All it takes is one 80 degree, sunny afternoon and the internal clouds part and warmth fills my soul. I officially come out of human hibernation. With that being said, my honey do list instantly triples. Maybe it is because my brain thaws thus igniting my ambition.

It is now time to start this years garden! This year not only am I going to plant my usual personal eye pleasures but, I have decided to incorporate a few edible treats as well. Of course, anyone who knows me understands that my "green thumb" is more of a yellowish green but that is just a tint issue, it's not a lack of trying. Hopefully, with a little bit of help from the local growers, I will "green it up".

It doesn't help me out much when my backyard is mostly shady and the soil doesn't care to be conducive to growing anything but weeds. {{{Hey, some of those are edible and provide some nutritional value!}}} What can I say, thus begins this years home grown, edible, learning experience. Weather permitting, next weekends agenda -I am getting my hands dirty!
I am thinking of adding..oh, a little endive, tomatoes, lettuce, dill, peppers, and lavender for luck!

Just a little tidbit, I learned this morning..If you have a problem with deer eating your vegtables and you have tried all the usual i.e. hair clippings, foil plates, etc. Then you should in complete but witty desperation call your local Zoo. They will provide you with free Lion poop, the deer will smell it and dilegently stay away from your garden fearing the Lion that is laying in wait.

Not that I have a deer problem, but what will I do with all the squirrels that I have fed for the past three years...I did say this was going to be an adventure didn't I??


  1. Your honey do list has tripled??!! I haven't gotten through the first one yet! Go easy on a guy

  2. I said MY LIST not don't do yard work

  3. Oh, how I wish I was walking down the streets of St. Augustine right now. It won't be long and we will be walking those streets of gold
    I miss you and I can't wait to get back to Florida.

    Your blog is wonderful. I wish I had your way with words.

  4. very nice...good luck with the garden..and the blog...
