Saturday, March 7, 2009

Synthetic hormones, and dirty laundry dont mix..and this is my vent!

Now for my next vent, a month prior to all of this, I had made an appointment with what appears to be a good credible female gynecologist..As many of you know, in 2004, I had ovarian and cervical cancer which lead to a full hysterectomy! Our conversation goes something like this...
{{Dr.}} WHAT you've had no follow up have you had since the Cancer?

{{Me}} Testosterone shots for about a month..

{{Dr.}} Now that just angers me, you do realize the reason he gives these shots is because he compounds the meds in his office and is making profit from them? He should have told you that you needed a pap every 3 to 6 months to ensure the cancer hasn't spread and you should have been placed on estrogen and progesterone to ease your discomfort. It is my belief that at your age these are necessary.

{{Me}} angry..disappointed..and in disbelief..

{{Dr.}} I am highly concerned with the symptoms you are presenting with! Why have you not followed up in the past four years with a GYNECOLOGIST?

{{Me}} Well, as the obvious idiot that I must be, I did follow up with my primary which does do paps in her office, and tells me there is no need since 1.) I am unable to take hormones due to the risks and family history (I was in a genetic study with my mom when she had breast cancer and mayo clinic found us both to be HR2 positive..they advised my Dr. against hormone therapy) 2.) My primary said "The symptoms you are presenting with are (not could be) related to you current medications" and she never changed that opinion even after the medications changed. So in essence, she refused hormonal treatment and attributed any symptoms to colon blockages and a hernia.

{{Dr.}} Well, this is definitely not a colon blockage nor a hernia...I am going to perform a biopsy (yes she found something during the pap-and I didn't even know you could get cancer there)and you will have results in 4 to 15 days. In the meantime, expect your moods to go array, as i am placing you on a high dose of hormones and will lower them over time. Do not be afraid, this could just be a cyst or a re-occurrence of endometriosis.

{{Me}} Wait a minute, my previous gyno told me endometriosis would no longer be an issue since he removed my female parts...

{{Dr.}} Well, he would be mistaken, and she went on to explain why...yadayadyayayda..

So I ended up with blood work, a pap, a biopsy, a ultrasound on the 25th, and a waiting period..oh and a whole new set of moods I can sleep but can also go from loving wife and daughter, to crying and laughing at the same time (for different reasons), to absolute angry wench in 1/10000000000000000th of a second!

The same day, I call in for my prescription refills...they make me come on Tuesday, I go in, wait for 4 hours for a prescription refill that they could have called in and a major chewing out for going around her to a gyno (again I say..around her??)and taking hormones...OH, BY THEN THE SLEDGEHAMMER FELL...rockets have nothing on me based on the rate I went off..needless to say, it is my firm belief that my new gyno will be handling my medical needs hence forward.

And for my final vent, I spend the remainder of my week taking my mom to the dentist, running minor errands, and DOING LAUNDRY...and then I sit this morning to vent this whole week in one long blog...decide to read the hubby's blog, only to find...oooooopppsss, wait, there go the hormones..oh no... 1.) we agreed blogging is no place to air our dirty laundry (hahah) and what do I find?? I am 3 steps ahead of him..and maybe he should ask about his newly laundered clothes, and the clothes separated for good will..and then I can show him how to open his dresser..ok not fair...but its frustrating when you've spent 3 days separating and doing laundry to read his blog and he sounds as if laundry hasn't been done in a year..sacrablah...God knows I love him more than life but jeez..I could beat him with a switch sometimes...1000 kuddos to his mom and sister..if he is this hard to raise at 47 he must have been a bundle at 12 (tee hee). Anywhose, just the hormones talking...I think D may have my new Dr.s head on platter by the time my moods level out :)